Holy Rosary Catholic School Home

School News


March Break Closure

Dear school community members,
Holy Rosary C.S. March break,
the school and office is closed
from March 10 to 14th 2025

Emails and voicemails will not be reviewed and follow-up will be processed the week of March 17th, 2025 on a first come first serve basis. There will be no in person drop ins received.

Call the office to arrange for an appointment after March 17th, leave message at 519-675-4415.

If you have a bus registration request, contact them directly at 519-649-1160

For families in the community that live in our boundary looking to register at Holy Rosary C.S.
If you wish to register at our school, please visit the L.D.C.S.B. website at this link below:


We do not do registrations in person at the school, all registrations are required to be submitted by the parent / guardian online.

International Students Registrations

Please visit the website at L.D.C.S.B. for further details and we have a Welcome Centre at https://www.ldcsb.ca/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1076550&type=d&pREC_ID=1394265

District News

Coming Soon

LDCSB Receives Funding for New Elementary School Just West of London

The Ministry of Education has announced that it has granted approval and $20.6 million in benchmark funding for a new elementary school and childcare centre in Middlesex Centre.

The new school, to be built just west of London in the Kilworth-Komoka area on a site yet to be determined, will have a capacity for 424 students as well as a five-room childcare centre.